Upcoming Nerf Mega Magnus Already Released in Hong Kong


Yesterday, the above photo was posted by a Hong Kong Nerf Facebook fan page. No word on it’s official pricing over there, and I’m wondering if it’s similar to the Canada Walmart price we saw about a week ago. This isn’t the first time that Facebook page has given us new info or had new blaster in that part of the world before. The USA, and possibly other countries, could see this blaster coming out this year due to it coming out over in Hong Kong at the moment.

Again, I’ll keep you all updated as more info on this blaster comes out.

8 thoughts on “Upcoming Nerf Mega Magnus Already Released in Hong Kong”

  1. Hey man! Great stuff on all these Magnus updates! Noticed you had pricing questions, so I wasn’t sure if you hadn’t seen this when I posted it a while back (https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1262981_585483854827269_1797173796_o.jpg). Feel free to repost it! Also, if you have the Walmart app you can use the barcode scanner to scan the Magnus code and it comes up as $14.97 and “Not available online at this time”.

    Happy hunting guys!


  2. @Basic Nerf, on Nerf’s Facebook page, in a recent post, they stated the Magnus will be released 1/1/14. So, New Years will mark the release. The comment was made 11/5/13 in response to someone asking when the Magnus will be released.


  3. The model on the picture is quite young compared to the elite one. Perhaps the MEGA series is targeted towards a younger audience?


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