pSykSG Nerf Mega Magnus Unboxing & Impressions Video

pSykSG somehow recently got his hands on the upcoming Mega Series Magnus blaster. He unboxes it, gives us a firing test, and gives us his impressions of the blaster so far.

5 thoughts on “pSykSG Nerf Mega Magnus Unboxing & Impressions Video”

  1. Hey basic it’s DARK here,

    I was just wondering when are you going to update your youtube channel? You haven’t posted a nerf battle in a while.


    1. Hey Dark,

      Sorry for not answering your previous comment you left. I have a very particular schedule with what I want uploaded, in what particular order. I’m working on editing my Humans vs. Zombies video next, which is taking a bit of time.

      Also sometimes I decide to concentrate and put more effort into blogging, or video uploading. The past two months or so have been me more concentrated on blogging versus video uploading and editing.

      But don’t worry too much about that, I have a lot of videos filmed already, they just need to get edited and uploaded.


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