Tag Archives: Tactical Rail

The Stampede ECS – The Pros and Cons (Part 2) (Basic Nerf Article)

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Yes you can duck tape a camera to the shield and take video with it, handy huh?

Part 1 of the article here.

In part 2 of these articles on the Stampede ECS. In part 2 we’ll talk about the pros and cons that this gun has. Lets go talk about the pros first. We can call this a mini-review for now, with a more in-depth review coming after I use the gun myself. I’ll also talk about it’s actual usage in wars, it’s accessories, and how this gun could sway some battles.

Hit the jump for more of course. This is my longest article yet so feel free to kick back and do some nice Nerf related reading. Oh and please leave me a comment with any grammar errors you spot or your thoughts on this article.
Continue reading The Stampede ECS – The Pros and Cons (Part 2) (Basic Nerf Article)