The N-Strike Elite Hail-Fire with High Ammo Capacity (Photos)


More pictures going up for everyone. I decided to try out some popular ammo capacity ideas to see if the Hail-Fire would handle it. Above is the Hail-Fire with 8 18 Dart Clips.

A bottom view of it

Theres a couple more photos after the jump, including 18 dart drums and a Raider drum or two, so keep reading to see the rest!

The Firefly Tech clips work just as well.

You can only fit 4 18 Dart drums on the Hail-Fire.

The protruding design blocks the other slots on the Hail-Fire.

Two Raider Drums and a Rampage drum on the Hail-Fire. If I had bigger drums, I would try testing them on this.

Two Raider drums on the Hail-Fire, you could probably fit a 3rd one in here.

11 thoughts on “The N-Strike Elite Hail-Fire with High Ammo Capacity (Photos)”

  1. You could probably fit 4 Raider drums on the Hailfire. Hm….
    And seeing that the Raider drum can hold 37 before damaging darts, 37×4=148 :D
    So there’s absolutely no problem with Firefly Tech clips?
    TBH though the Hailfire looks quite wierd with anything but 6 clips.
    Not that your enemies would care when you carry this 144 capacity beast towards them.


    1. At the HvZ game tomorrow I’ll see if I can borrow some Raider drums for that experiment.

      Yeah no problem with the Firefly Tech clips. I mean their a little close to the other 18s due their battery storage, but you can still take them out just as easy.


  2. I figure you can probably fit two raider drums, two six clips, and four eighteens at max. That’d be pretty rad. Give you a nice 156 (sorry, I’m mathing of the top of my head) dart capacity.


  3. Wow, those 18-rounders probably double the awkwardness of what was already a terrible gun ergonomics-wise.


  4. Going by the AFON show, you can only fit two Raider drums into the carousel.

    And speaking of AFON, do you have any flip-clip connectors to test if they fit on the clips in the carousel?


    1. 3 slots, the slot you put it in and both of the slots next to it. That’s why you can only fit two 25-dart drums in 8 slots. 35-dart drums, on the other hand, only take 2 slots so you can fit 4 of them.


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